Understand Indian Food Labelling Regulation

Understand Indian Food Labelling Regulation

It is fascinating how beautifully the food safety standards are sculptured so as to eliminate all the chaos by allowing the food business operators to design and develop their product’s label as per their wish on one hand and also making it easy and necessary at the same time to mention all the mandated characteristics for a complete informative label on the other hand.

It is therefore the responsibility of all the food business operators to ensure proper and correct labelling of their product. However, regular updates are introduced by FSSAI in the Labelling Regulation making it fluxed to comply with the labelling requirements in case of absence of technical expertise in any food business organisation, thus we are known to hold the key for providing our great services in label development as well as checking the compliance status of existing ‘n’ number of labels.


FSSAI is an acronym for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India which was mandated in 2006 by Food Safety and Standards Act and thereby implemented by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. FSSAI is the single-reference point of information related to food safety and standards, enforcing various provisions facilitating food standards.

The main aim to establish this autonomous regulatory body, was to put a finger on standards based on food-science, and ensuring that the food for human consumption is safe & wholesome by eventually regulating the food safety standard throughout the chain of processing/manufacturing, storage, distribution and sale.

About Food Safety and Standards (Packaging & Labelling) Regulations

The regulation addressing the packaging and labelling requirements came into force since 5th August, 2011. Following are the 12 important and mandatory labelling characteristics to be mentioned:

  1. Name of Food
  2. List of Ingredients
  3. Nutrition Information
  4. Declaration regarding veg or non-veg
  5. Declaration regarding food additives
  6. Name and Complete address of the manufacturer
  7. Net quantity
  8. Lot/Code/Batch Identification
  9. Date of manufacturing or packing
  10. Best before and Use by dates
  11. Country of origin for imported foods
  12. Instructions for use

At any given point of time under normal conditions of purchase, label information is required to be in English or Hindi in Devanagari Script so as to ensure uniformity as well as it is mandatory to mention FSSAI license number on the label in such a manner that it is clear, prominent, indelible and readily legible for the consumer.

These regulations were the need of the hour with regards to the evolutionary and innovative changes in the Indian food sector with reference to the global market that led FSSAI to call for specified and informative additions in the regulations to abide by, for packaged food products.

Our expertise in FSSAI requirements for food label information as well as our forte in regulatory understanding and compliance has been a conjugation bridge that has benefited many of our happy customers to put their complete trust in us for the same.

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